John McTiernanSchauspieler:
Chris Klein, LL Cool J, Rebecca Romijn, Naveen Andrews, Jean Reno, Oleg Taktarov, David Hemblen, Eugene Lipinski, Frank Ferrara, Janet Wright, Lucia Rijker, Paul Heyman, Jeffery Feaster, Andrew Bryniarski, Kata Dobó, Alice PoonJonathan Ross, suspendierter Eishockeyspieler, steigt binnen kürzester Zeit zum Star des brutalen, besonders in den russischen Teilrepubliken beliebten Kampfsports "Rollerball" auf. Auf Rollschuhen und Motorrädern hetzen zwei Teams hinter einer Metallkugel her und bieten dem vom Staat unterdrückten, nach blutiger Unterhaltung lechzenden Publikum Ablenkung der härtesten Art. Um die geldbringenden Einschaltquoten anzukurbeln, scheut Ross' zwielichtiger Boss Petrovic nicht einmal davor zurück, das Leben seiner Kämpfer zu riskieren.
Original:Rollerball (1975)Remake:Rollerball
From the director of Die Hard comes this high-octane thriller that roars along at a breakneck pace (Los Angeles Times)! Starring Chris Klein (American Pie), Jean Reno (Ronin), LL Cool J (Charlie's Angels) and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (X-Men), Rollerball goes full-throttle with excitement from its death-defying opening until its explosive end! Jonathan Cross (Klein) is the newest recruit in the most extreme sport of all time where his fast moves and killer looks make him an instant superstar. But Cross life in the fast lane collides with reality when he learns that the league's owner (Reno) is orchestrating serious on-court accidents to boost ratings. Now Cross plans to take down the owner and his ruthless sport before the game puts an end to him!
From the director of Die Hard comes this high-octane thriller that roars along at a breakneck pace (Los Angeles Times)! Starring Chris Klein (American Pie), Jean Reno (Ronin), LL Cool J (Charlie's Angels) and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (X-Men), Rollerball goes full-throttle with excitement from its death-defying opening until its explosive end! Jonathan Cross (Klein) is the newest recruit in the most extreme sport of all time where his fast moves and killer looks make him an instant superstar. But Cross life in the fast lane collides with reality when he learns that the league's owner (Reno) is orchestrating serious on-court accidents to boost ratings. Now Cross plans to take down the owner and his ruthless sport before the game puts an end to him!