Roseville - Von Angst getrieben
Martin MakarievSchauspieler:
Kalin Vrachanski, Elena Petrova, Plamen Manassiev, Lidiya Indzhova, David ChokachiSo könnte das einstige Unglück seinen Anfang genommen haben: Das Pärchen Vasil und Nadia verbringt ihren Urlaub im Balkan im Ort Roseville. Dort treffen sie den Hausmeister George, dessen beste Freundin Dora sowie Georges alten Freund Stephen. Vasils Anwesenheit in Roseville provoziert eine Reihe unerklärlicher und nervenaufreibender Vorkommnisse, durch die jeder gezwungen ist sich mit seinen ureigenen Ängsten auseinanderzusetzen.
Basierend auf einer wahren Begebenheit: Im Herbst 1985 werden mehrere Tote in einer einsamen Hütte im Balkangebirge gefunden. Wie es zu dieser Tragödie kam, konnte nie aufgeklärt werden.
In the early autumn of 1985 the police are seeing the consequences of a shocking and mysterious incident that took place in an isolated mountain hut in the Balkan Mountains. The film "Roseville " is artistic interpretations inspired by eyewitness accounts and clues found within the cabin.Vasil ( Kalin Vratchanski ) and Nadia ( Lydia Indjova ) are a young couple who arrive on holiday in "Roseville". There they meet the keeper George ( Plamen Manassiev ) and his best friend Dora ( Elena Petrova ). Later joining the gang is Stephen Court ( David Chokachi ) - an old associate of George. The presence of Vasil unlocked " storm " of unexplained events that will test the sanity of all. Everyone faces the the horror of their own fears and the invisible force that wants to control them, lurking in the dark and quietly knocks on the door to their minds.
In the early autumn of 1985 the police are seeing the consequences of a shocking and mysterious incident that took place in an isolated mountain hut in the Balkan Mountains. The film "Roseville " is artistic interpretations inspired by eyewitness accounts and clues found within the cabin.Vasil ( Kalin Vratchanski ) and Nadia ( Lydia Indjova ) are a young couple who arrive on holiday in "Roseville". There they meet the keeper George ( Plamen Manassiev ) and his best friend Dora ( Elena Petrova ). Later joining the gang is Stephen Court ( David Chokachi ) - an old associate of George. The presence of Vasil unlocked " storm " of unexplained events that will test the sanity of all. Everyone faces the the horror of their own fears and the invisible force that wants to control them, lurking in the dark and quietly knocks on the door to their minds.