Running Time
Josh BeckerSchauspieler:
Bruce Campbell, Jeremy Roberts, Anita Barone, Gordon Jennison Noice, Art LaFleur, Curtis Taylor, Bridget Hoffman, William Stanford Davis, Dana Craig, Jules Desjarlais, David Kirkwood, James Rose, Butch, Paul Harris, Jack Perez, Elizabeth RichterNach fünf Jahren im Gefängnis, die er hauptsächlich deshalb zubrachte, weil ihn sein Kumpel Patrick hüfthoch in den Schlamassel ritt, kommt Carl aus dem Knast und sinnt allen gegenteiligen Beteuerungen zum trotz auf den nächsten großen Coup. Auf das Schmiergeld aus der illegalen Knastwäscherei hat er es abgesehen, seine Partner sind ein nervöser Junkie, ein unfähiger Tresorknacker und ausgerechnet Patrick. Ob es danach noch eine Zukunft für Carl und seine Jugendliebe Janie gibt?
Frisch aus dem Knast entlassen plant Carl (Bruce Campbell) sofort einen Raubzug gegen den korrupten Gefängniswärter. In Echtzeit und schwarzweiß gedrehte Arthäuschen-Räuberpistole.
Running Time was filmed in black and white, in real time, and seemingly takes place in one continuous, fluid shot. It's a little like Hitchcock's "Rope," but it's on location! Carl, an ex-con who sets out to rob the prison laundry system where he worked for 5 years (while in the pen), has spent ten years in prison planning the ultimate heist. Upon his release, he meets up with a high school buddy, who's made all the arrangements for the job, and rented him a hooker for his first encounter in a decade with a real girl. After picking up the safecracker and their getaway driver, they've got twenty minutes to pull off the perfect heist...but soon everything falls apart before Carl's eyes. He might still get the girl, though! Written by Scary Mary
Running Time was filmed in black and white, in real time, and seemingly takes place in one continuous, fluid shot. It's a little like Hitchcock's "Rope," but it's on location! Carl, an ex-con who sets out to rob the prison laundry system where he worked for 5 years (while in the pen), has spent ten years in prison planning the ultimate heist. Upon his release, he meets up with a high school buddy, who's made all the arrangements for the job, and rented him a hooker for his first encounter in a decade with a real girl. After picking up the safecracker and their getaway driver, they've got twenty minutes to pull off the perfect heist...but soon everything falls apart before Carl's eyes. He might still get the girl, though! Written by Scary Mary