Running Woman
Rachel Samuels, David BlassSchauspieler:
Theresa Russell, Andrew Robinson, Anthony Crivello, Eddie Velez, Richard Joseph Paul, Robert LaSardo, Gary Graham, David McCurley, Melinda Songer, Gregory Cruz, Seidy López, Christopher Pennock, Andy BuckleyDie unbescholtene Hausfrau Emily Russo wird nach einem Raubüberfall, der sie fast selbst das Leben kostete, nicht nur zu Unrecht verdächtigt, ihren Sohn getötet zu haben, sondern auch ein Copkiller zu sein. Von Gott und der Welt mit aller Waffengewalt gejagt, entschließt sich Emily zum kompletten Identitätswechsel und nimmt im Outfit nach Art des Straßenstrichs auf eigene Faust die Suche nach den Tätern auf. In einem Journalisten und einer Prostituierten findet sie Verbündete.
Emily Russo and her son are victims of a carjacking that results in the Sam's death. No one believes that thugs dressed as cops are the perpetrators; in fact Emily is accused of committing the murder herself and inventing the carjacking story as a cover. On the run from the police, she tries to find and killers on her own and discovers that the crime might not have been as random as it first appeared.
Emily Russo and her son are victims of a carjacking that results in the Sam's death. No one believes that thugs dressed as cops are the perpetrators; in fact Emily is accused of committing the murder herself and inventing the carjacking story as a cover. On the run from the police, she tries to find and killers on her own and discovers that the crime might not have been as random as it first appeared.