Saaya - Schatten der Sehnsucht
Anurag BasuSchauspieler:
John Abraham, Mahima Chaudhry, Tara Sharma, Zohra Segal, Harsh Chhaya, Raj Zutshi, Vishwajeet Pradhan, Rana Jung BahadurDr. Akash Bhatnagar und seine schöne, junge Frau, die ebenfalls als Ärztin tätige Maya, sind ein Traumpaar vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle. Dann aber fährt die schwangere Maya zum Hilfsdienst ins Notstandsgebiet, steigt in einen Bus, den der Erdrutsch ins Tal spült, und wird offiziell für tot erklärt. Der trauernde Akash stürzt sich darauf wie ein Berserker in die Arbeit, erhält jedoch schon bald kryptische Zeichen und Signale, die von seiner Frau zu stammen scheinen, andere aber an seinem Verstand zweifeln lassen.
Nach dem Unfalltod seiner jungen Frau glaubt Dr. Akash Nachrichten aus dem Jenseits zu empfangen. Romantische Fantasyunterhaltung à la Bollywood.
Tanya is a rich woman who is married to another rich man named Vinod. But their lives change by Vinod's death. Tanya than starts falling in love with a doctor named Akash. But Akash is in love with a woman named Maya and after some time gets married to her. But their marriage does not last long. Because, first Maya leaves him to travel to another part of India to help people who are sick; and then Akash receives news that she is dead. Tanya comes up to console Akash and hopes that he will now love, accept and marry her. But Akash does not do so, as he is still immersed in Maya's memories, and believes that Maya is still alive and calling out to him. Is Akash going out of his mind?
Tanya is a rich woman who is married to another rich man named Vinod. But their lives change by Vinod's death. Tanya than starts falling in love with a doctor named Akash. But Akash is in love with a woman named Maya and after some time gets married to her. But their marriage does not last long. Because, first Maya leaves him to travel to another part of India to help people who are sick; and then Akash receives news that she is dead. Tanya comes up to console Akash and hopes that he will now love, accept and marry her. But Akash does not do so, as he is still immersed in Maya's memories, and believes that Maya is still alive and calling out to him. Is Akash going out of his mind?