Sebastian RadtkeSchauspieler:
Katie Pfleghar, Dominik Bliefert, Nico Josef Zitek, Vitaliy Kühne, Kingsly Defounga, Christian Wewerka, Thomas Harbort, Christina Gatterer, Silke Walter, Dieter Schmidt, Manuel Teichert, Ivo Noack, René Christ, René Sprenger, Matthias Schmiedel, Astrid Steffanie30 Jahre nachdem er als Jugendlicher zwei Menschen getötet hat, wendet sich ein sadistischer Mörder erneut der Gewalt zu. Als die ersten neuerlichen Greueltaten vollbracht sind, gelüstet es ihm nach Publikum und er veranstaltet eine Art Seminar. Darin führt er Interessierten vor, wie man wehrlose Opfer ausgiebig quälen kann, ohne sie dabei zu früh zu töten.
Deutscher Low-Budget-Schocker, in dem ein psychopathischer Sadist seine Opfer vor Publikum quält.
Sadisticum tells the story of a man for whom there seems to be only one purpose in life, the torture and killing of others. At age 17, he has already killed two people. But he manages to suppress his appetite for many years. Half of his life he spent with working and adapting the company externally. But the void in his life has been increased steadily, until one day it happens again, he kills. Only this time he would not stop, this time he would give free rein to his appetite. But even by the brutal killing of his fellow man, he learns no more satisfaction. His ever-growing need for recognition is driving him to create some kind torture course. He'd selected peers point to which way is best torturing anyone without killing him early. But it does not stop at a seminar, his addiction to attention and admiration grows into the vast, ever more cruel torture methods he tried. But one day, the story takes a surprising turn ...
Sadisticum tells the story of a man for whom there seems to be only one purpose in life, the torture and killing of others. At age 17, he has already killed two people. But he manages to suppress his appetite for many years. Half of his life he spent with working and adapting the company externally. But the void in his life has been increased steadily, until one day it happens again, he kills. Only this time he would not stop, this time he would give free rein to his appetite. But even by the brutal killing of his fellow man, he learns no more satisfaction. His ever-growing need for recognition is driving him to create some kind torture course. He'd selected peers point to which way is best torturing anyone without killing him early. But it does not stop at a seminar, his addiction to attention and admiration grows into the vast, ever more cruel torture methods he tried. But one day, the story takes a surprising turn ...