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Karen MüllerSchauspieler:
Henning Baum, Tina Ruland, Christian Kohlund, Michaela May, Veronika Fitz, Martin Lüttge, Gerhard Olschewski, Janek Rieke, Marek Erhardt, Marcus Mittermeier, Michael Lott, Elisabeth RomanoVera und Hans sind seit 15 Jahren glücklich miteinander - nur der Trauschein fehlt ihnen noch. Veras Mutter möchte dem Paar auf die Sprünge helfen und schlägt sie dem örtlichen Radiosender als "Traumpaar der Woche" vor. Das bedeutet: Wenn sie innerhalb von vier Wochen heiraten, bezahlt der Sender die Hochzeit. Die Sterne stehen nicht ungünstig. Doch kurz vor dem Hochzeitstermin bestätigt sich, dass Waage und Stier eine explosive Kombination sind.
Vera and Hans have been happy for 15 years - only the marriage certificate is still missing. Vera's mother wants to help the couple on the jumps and proposes them to the local radio station as "the perfect couple of the week". This means that if they marry within four weeks, the sender pays the wedding. The stars are not unfavorable. But just before the wedding date confirmed that Libra and Taurus are an explosive combination. The high-caliber romantic comedy shows in an amusing, subtle way how heavenly influences in relationships can move mountains.
Vera and Hans have been happy for 15 years - only the marriage certificate is still missing. Vera's mother wants to help the couple on the jumps and proposes them to the local radio station as "the perfect couple of the week". This means that if they marry within four weeks, the sender pays the wedding. The stars are not unfavorable. But just before the wedding date confirmed that Libra and Taurus are an explosive combination. The high-caliber romantic comedy shows in an amusing, subtle way how heavenly influences in relationships can move mountains.