Samurai Fiction
Hiroyuki NakanoSchauspieler:
Morio Kazama, Tomoyasu Hotei, Tamaki Ogawa, Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Mari Natsuki, Taketoshi Naitô, Kei Tani, Fumiya Fujii, Naoyuki Fujii, Ken Osawa, Hiroshi Kanbe, Ryôichi Yuki, Akiko Monô, Taro Maruse, Daiamondo YukaiJapan in der nahen Zukunft:
Die wiedergeborene Seele des Samurais Heishiro blickt 300 Jahre zurück auf ein Ereignis, das sein Leben veränderte.
Japan in der Edo-Ära:
In dieser friedvollen Zeit gab es über Jahrhunderte keine Kriege. Doch im Jahre 1696 herrscht Aufruhr im Nagashima Clan, da das Schwert des Shoguns gestohlen wurde. Der Dieb ist der Samurai Kazamatsuri, der eigentlich die Schätze des Clans bewachen sollte. Kanzen, der Oberste Rat des Clans, beschließt ein Duplikat des Schwertes herzustellen.
Der Sohn von Kanzen, der junge und hitzköpfige Samurai Heishiro, will persönlich die Ehre des Clans retten. Mit zwei Jugendfreunden folgt er dem flüchtigen Kazamatsuri. Es kommt zum Kampf mit dem abtrünnigen Renegade, der schnell mit den unerfahrenen Samurais fertig wird. Heishiro wird in letzer Minute von dem herrenlosen Samurai Hanbei gerettet. Hanbei und seine Tochter Koharu kümmern sich um den Schwerverletzten. Kaum genesen sinnt Heishiro nach Vergeltung.
Doch bis es zum großen Kampf kommt, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse. Der jugendliche Held Heishiro lernt auf bezaubernde Weise, daß ein echter Samurai mehr als nur ein guter Schwertkämpfer ist.
Three centuries ago, a precious sword has been stolen by Kazamatsuri -- the sword, which historic and symbolic value is priceless for the clan (Shogun Tokugawa donated it to clan 80 years before that, at the same time that he established them as the local rulers). Lord's counselor's young son Heishiro goes to retrieve the sword himself to protect the clan from the shame or possible demise. He is accompanied with two friends, Shintaro and Tadasuke, and followed by the ninjas of the clan. After Kazamatsuri wounds Heishiro and kills one of his friends, the young aristocrat still wants revenge more than sword itself, but meanwhile have to recover from his wounds, in the small forest house of a lonely samurai and his daughter. At the same time, Kamazatsuri stays in nearby town in the entertainment center run by Okatsu and falls into her. The older samurai tries to dissuade Heishiro from fighting with Kamazatsuri, but is himself gradually drawn into the conflict.
Three centuries ago, a precious sword has been stolen by Kazamatsuri -- the sword, which historic and symbolic value is priceless for the clan (Shogun Tokugawa donated it to clan 80 years before that, at the same time that he established them as the local rulers). Lord's counselor's young son Heishiro goes to retrieve the sword himself to protect the clan from the shame or possible demise. He is accompanied with two friends, Shintaro and Tadasuke, and followed by the ninjas of the clan. After Kazamatsuri wounds Heishiro and kills one of his friends, the young aristocrat still wants revenge more than sword itself, but meanwhile have to recover from his wounds, in the small forest house of a lonely samurai and his daughter. At the same time, Kamazatsuri stays in nearby town in the entertainment center run by Okatsu and falls into her. The older samurai tries to dissuade Heishiro from fighting with Kamazatsuri, but is himself gradually drawn into the conflict.