Sapore di donna
Mario GariazzoSchauspieler:
Valentine Demy, David D'Ingeo, Antonio Zequila, Debora Calì, Filomena Campagna, Eduardo Gil, Zulay Campos, Nelly Bruzual, Luis Correa, Mauricio Marquez, Martha Vallejo, Jose Concalvez, Pablo Castillo, Mario SilvaQuelle: Covertext"Ich bin schliesslich nicht mit dir verheiratet", faucht seine attraktive Freundin den wütenden Perry an. Da rutscht ihm die Hand aus. Und nochmal und immer wieder. Um die Affäre zu vertuschen schickt ihn sein Vater zu einer Freundin nach der Familie nach Venezuela.
Lauras reife Schönheit trifft ihn wie der Blitz, ihre Sinnlichkeit überwältigt ihn und lässt seinen Puls pulsieren. Doch auch ihre blutjunge Tochter Sheila weckt in ihm heisse Gelüste.
Die Villa wird zum geheimen Ort voller Lust und Leidenschaft. Das intensive Dreiecksverhältnis sprengt alle Tabus und mündet in einem Meer voller Glückseligkeit. Aber dann dringt ein Fremder in das "Trio der Wollust"ein.(Quelle:Covertext)
Perry moved to Miami to study in medical school, where his uncle is a teacher. He decides to rent a room from a friend of his mother, who owns the house. There he begins to dream about a beautiful girl Sheila, daughter of the owner of the house. They soon became very good friends, but Perry did not know that Sheila secretly serves as a model in adult magazines. The director of Sapore di donna, Mario Gariazzo has also directed another movie, called Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story, made in 1985.
Perry moved to Miami to study in medical school, where his uncle is a teacher. He decides to rent a room from a friend of his mother, who owns the house. There he begins to dream about a beautiful girl Sheila, daughter of the owner of the house. They soon became very good friends, but Perry did not know that Sheila secretly serves as a model in adult magazines. The director of Sapore di donna, Mario Gariazzo has also directed another movie, called Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story, made in 1985.