Sartana - Noch Warm Und Schon Sand Drauf
Giuliano CarnimeoSchauspieler:
Gianni Garko, Daniela Giordano, Ivano Staccioli, Helga Liné, George Wang, Luis Induni, Franco Pesce, Franco Ressel, Roberto Dell'Acqua, Federico BoidoTitelheld Sartana ist schnell mit dem Schiesseisen zur Stelle, um eine Serie hinterhältiger Morde zu rächen und goldgierige Banditen zur Strecke zu bringen. Schuss um Schuss löst er auf sich allein gestellt das Rätsel um eine verlassene Goldmine.
After witnessing a brutal massacre, the legendary hero Sartana is ready to do some investigating. Almost everyone in the tiny town of Indian Creek seems eager to buy up the property left behind by the murder victims, and one of them could well be behind the killings. The sheriff himself is not above suspicion, so Sartana must uncover the culprit all on his own.
After witnessing a brutal massacre, the legendary hero Sartana is ready to do some investigating. Almost everyone in the tiny town of Indian Creek seems eager to buy up the property left behind by the murder victims, and one of them could well be behind the killings. The sheriff himself is not above suspicion, so Sartana must uncover the culprit all on his own.