Rainer Werner FassbinderSchauspieler:
Kurt Raab, Margit Carstensen, Helen Vita, Volker Spengler, Ingrid Caven, Y Sa Lo, Ulli Lommel, Vitus Zeplichal, Brigitte Mira, Marquard Bohm, Christiane Maybach, Nino Korda, Adrian Hoven, Hannes Gromball, Dieter Schidor, Monica TeuberDer einst gefeierte Dichter der Revolution Walter Kranz vegetiert mit Schulden, zänkischer Gattin und debilem Bruder als Kleinbürger. Er bringt seine reiche Geliebte um, identifiziert sich zeitweise mit Dichter Stefan George und schart mit dem Geld seiner älteren Verehrerin Andrée einen aus Strichjungen bestehenden Dichterkreis um sich, der sich auflöst, als das Geld alle ist. Kranz stiehlt Geld von den Eltern und einer Prostituierten, wird von deren Beschützern zusammen geschlagen und vom Bruder mit Theaterblut erschossen. Alles geht von vorn los.
Radikales grelles Künstlerporträt, mit dem Rainer Werner Fassbinder den bürgerlichen Kulturbetrieb satirisch angeht und gleichzeitig seine eigene Krise als Künstler reflektiert.
This fast-paced black comedy by wunderkind director Rainer Werner Fassbinder follows the frantic efforts of a starving and confused writer, Walter Kranz to beg, borrow or steal enough money to survive on, and at the same time make some sense of his confusing life. Unable to write enough to keep his publisher's royalty advances coming, he seeks out a woman he imagines is a prostitute and interviews her for material. He is also inspired to utter some poetry, which his brassy, outspoken wife identifies as coming from the famous homosexuality-advocating mystical German poet, Stefan George. This inspires Walter to take a closer look at the gay scene, and he quickly becomes a sort of celebrity there.
This fast-paced black comedy by wunderkind director Rainer Werner Fassbinder follows the frantic efforts of a starving and confused writer, Walter Kranz to beg, borrow or steal enough money to survive on, and at the same time make some sense of his confusing life. Unable to write enough to keep his publisher's royalty advances coming, he seeks out a woman he imagines is a prostitute and interviews her for material. He is also inspired to utter some poetry, which his brassy, outspoken wife identifies as coming from the famous homosexuality-advocating mystical German poet, Stefan George. This inspires Walter to take a closer look at the gay scene, and he quickly becomes a sort of celebrity there.