Ed HerzogSchauspieler:
Sebastian Bezzel, Simon Schwarz, Lisa Potthoff, Enzi Fuchs, Eisi Gulp, Gerhard Wittmann, Nora von Waldstätten, Gedeon Burkhard, Sigi Zimmerschied, Daniel Christensen, Stephan Zinner, Max Schmidt, Ferdinand Hofer, Thomas Kügel, Ulrike Beimpold, Philipp FranckDorfpolizist Franz Eberhofer muss sich mal wieder mit jeder Menge Problemen herumschlagen: Er wird gegen seinen Willen befördert und muss nach München ziehen, wo er in einer Wohngemeinschaft mit seinem exzentrischen Kumpel Rudi lebt und ausgerechnet seine Rivalin Thin Lizzy seine Vorgesetzte ist. Zum Glück gibt es bald wieder eine Ausrede, nach Niederkaltenkirchen zurückzukehren: Im alten Opel Admiral seines Vaters wird eine Leiche gefunden und ein alter Bekannter, der erfolgreiche Geschäftsmann Karl-Heinz Fleischmann, macht sich an seine Freundin Susi ran. Vielleicht wird es also endlich Zeit für den Heiratsantrag, vor dem sich Franz schon so lange drückt.
Fünfter Eberhofer-Krimi mit Sebastian Bezzel in der Hauptrolle als launiger Dorfpolizist Franz, der diesmal in die Landeshauptstadt München versetzt wird.
As a result of his excellent record in Niederkaltenkirchen, Franz Eberhofer is promoted to Munich, the Bavarian capital of crime. It’s just as well his creature comforts are well catered for in the form of his grandmother’s care-packages. But he has hardly had time to settle into his new post before he finds himself coming face to face with inner-city criminals. His father’s car is stolen on his very first visit and although it turns up again before long, that’s only the start of the trouble. The corpse of a young Serbian woman is found in the boot, and once again Franz finds himself with his work cut out.
As a result of his excellent record in Niederkaltenkirchen, Franz Eberhofer is promoted to Munich, the Bavarian capital of crime. It’s just as well his creature comforts are well catered for in the form of his grandmother’s care-packages. But he has hardly had time to settle into his new post before he finds himself coming face to face with inner-city criminals. His father’s car is stolen on his very first visit and although it turns up again before long, that’s only the start of the trouble. The corpse of a young Serbian woman is found in the boot, and once again Franz finds himself with his work cut out.