Steve JacobsSchauspieler:
John Malkovich, Jessica Haines, Eriq Ebouaney, Fiona PressDer 52-jährige David Lurie lehrt in Kapstadt romantische Poesie und verführt mit Vorliebe blutjunge, farbige Studentinnen. Das jüngste Opfer des selbsterklärten Diener des Eros, Melanie, und ihr Freund machen die Affäre publik. David will sich nicht entschuldigen und gibt freiwillig seinen Posten auf. Er besucht seine lesbische Tochter Lucy, die ganz allein auf dem Land auf einer Farm lebt und arbeitet. Als sie dort von drei schwarzen Jugendlichen überfallen, Lucy vergewaltigt, und er verletzt wird, beginnt ein Umdenkungsprozess bei David.
Disgrace is the story of a South African professor of English who loses everything: his reputation, his job, his peace of mind, his good looks, his dreams of artistic success, and finally even his ability to protect his cherished daughter. After having an affair with a student, he moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics.
Disgrace is the story of a South African professor of English who loses everything: his reputation, his job, his peace of mind, his good looks, his dreams of artistic success, and finally even his ability to protect his cherished daughter. After having an affair with a student, he moves to the Eastern Cape, where he gets caught up in a mess of post-apartheid politics.