Jörg ButtgereitSchauspieler:
Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Monika M., Micha Brendel, Carolina Harnisch, Xaver Schwarzenberger, Gerd Horvath, Michael Brynntrup, Franz Rodenkirchen, Anne Presting, Eddi Zacharias, Michael Romahn, Volker HauptvogelLothar Schramm ist ein unauffälliger Mann, der alleine in einer kleinen Wohnung lebt und sich sein Geld als Taxifahrer verdient. Was niemand weiß: Schramm ist der "Lippenstiftmörder", der im Affekt wahllos tötet und die Opfer mit Lippenstift beschmiert um sich an ihnen zu vergehen. Völlig aus der Bahn geworfen wird der labile Einzelgänger schließlich durch seine Nachbarin, eine attraktive Prostituierte, zu der er jedoch kein Verhältnis aufbauen kann...
Lothar Schramm is a simple man with complex problems, yet he seems like such a nice guy. He works as a taxi driver and lives by himself where he is happy to answer his door to strangers and kill them outright. As with many shy loner types he has a problem dealing with woman so he drugs them and photographs their nude bodies for sexual stimulation. He then murders his helpless victims and so goes the life of a deranged serial killer.
Lothar Schramm is a simple man with complex problems, yet he seems like such a nice guy. He works as a taxi driver and lives by himself where he is happy to answer his door to strangers and kill them outright. As with many shy loner types he has a problem dealing with woman so he drugs them and photographs their nude bodies for sexual stimulation. He then murders his helpless victims and so goes the life of a deranged serial killer.