Schuld sind immer die anderen
Lars-Gunnar LotzSchauspieler:
Edin Hasanovic, Julia Brendler, Marc Benjamin Puch, Pit Bukowski, Natalia RudziewiczBen bekommt im idyllisch gelegenen "Waldhaus" die einmalige Chance auf einen Neuanfang. Als einer von sieben jugendlichen Straftätern soll er in der familiären Gemeinschaft soziale Kompetenz erlernen und Geborgenheit erfahren. Doch als er auf seine Hausmutter Eva trifft, ist er geschockt: Sie ist eines seiner Opfer. Sein brutaler Überfall auf sie wurde nie aufgeklärt. Während Ben alles versucht, um in der Gruppe nicht aufzufallen, wächst in Eva der Verdacht. Quelle: Film- und Fernseh-Labor Ludwigsburg
In a project with the concept of open-prison, Benjamin is given the unique chance of a new beginning. As one of seven juvenile offenders he should adopt social skills and experience security in a family-like community. But when he meets his house-mother Eva, he is shocked. She was one of his victims, but cannot recognize him because he was hidden by a mask. His brutal assault on her was never resolved. Ben does his best not to attract attention. But Eva's suspicion is aroused.
In a project with the concept of open-prison, Benjamin is given the unique chance of a new beginning. As one of seven juvenile offenders he should adopt social skills and experience security in a family-like community. But when he meets his house-mother Eva, he is shocked. She was one of his victims, but cannot recognize him because he was hidden by a mask. His brutal assault on her was never resolved. Ben does his best not to attract attention. But Eva's suspicion is aroused.