Schuldig bei Anklage
Po Johns, Howard GibsonSchauspieler:
Morgan Freeman, Daemon Moore, Jeff Edward, Jaimie Patton, Queen PenRick alias Drama ist gerade erst auf Bewährung aus dem Gefängnis frei gekommen, da offeriert ihm Jugendfreund D-Mo die Partnerschaft in dessen frisch gegründetem und zumindest kurzfristig erfolgversprechenden Drogenunternehmen. Für eine Weile läuft alles wie geschmiert, doch dann weckt Dramas auffälliger Lebensstil die Aufmerksamkeit der Polizei. Drama wird verhaftet, und als er wieder frei kommt, glaubt D-Mo, sein Kumpel habe ausgepackt. Außer sich vor Wut greift er zur Waffe, doch die Kugel trifft den Falschen.
Harter Low-Budget-Gangsterkrimi aus dem Drogenmilieu eines Innenstadt-Ghettos von Washington, angezettelt und ausgeführt zumindest partiell von Mitgliedern der aus Washington stammenden Hiphop-Crew Section 8 Mob. Die Story wurde so oder ähnlich schon häufiger vernommen und schwankt zwischen Bewunderung für den Gangster-Lifestyle und mahnendem Zeigefinger. Kein geringerer als Morgan Freeman ließ sich zur Gastrolle herab und sinniert angesichts totgeschossener Vorschulkinder über Zustand der modernen Welt. Für Thrillerfans okay.
There is no honor without truth. When gang wars spin out of control in downtown Washington D.C., one man steps onto the battlefirld to hunt down a ruthless killer. A young man has been released from prison and is determined to build a new life for himself. Unfortunately, without any prospects in sight, he gets lured back into the only world he knows....crime. He gets in touch with his former best friend who has since "made it big" as a drug dealer during his time in prison. But what starts out as a partnership which promises to get them both out of the projects, soon turns rotten as money comes between the two. As loyalties are divided, anger and violence erupt... destroying anyone who gets in the way. Innocent victims get caught in the crossfire and its up to one man, Police Lieutenet Redding (Morgan Freeman) to take matters into his own hands and stop the needless deaths before it's too late.
There is no honor without truth. When gang wars spin out of control in downtown Washington D.C., one man steps onto the battlefirld to hunt down a ruthless killer. A young man has been released from prison and is determined to build a new life for himself. Unfortunately, without any prospects in sight, he gets lured back into the only world he knows....crime. He gets in touch with his former best friend who has since "made it big" as a drug dealer during his time in prison. But what starts out as a partnership which promises to get them both out of the projects, soon turns rotten as money comes between the two. As loyalties are divided, anger and violence erupt... destroying anyone who gets in the way. Innocent victims get caught in the crossfire and its up to one man, Police Lieutenet Redding (Morgan Freeman) to take matters into his own hands and stop the needless deaths before it's too late.