Dito TsintsadzeSchauspieler:
Fabian Hinrichs, Lavinia Wilson, Johan Leysen, Ingeborg Westphal, Rudolf W. Marnitz, Thorsten Merten, Christoph Waltz, Axel Prahl, Marika GiorgobianiDer Kriegsdienstverweigerer Lukas fährt Essen für alte und kranke Leute aus. Er hat kaum Freunde. Da tritt die seltsame Isabelle in sein Leben. Sie ist schön, geheimnisvoll und unberechenbar. Lukas ist auf der Stelle in sie verliebt, als er jedoch entdeckt das sie ein zwanghaftes sexuelles Verhältnis zu ihrem Stiefvater hat ist er verzweifelt...
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes dramatically, when he gets to know a beautiful, but strange girl. Lukas, a young man doing "meals on wheels" instead of military service, doesn't have many friends and leads a boring life, until he meets Isabella. The fascinating girl soon becomes his best friend, but Lukas learns she has a sexual relationship to her stepfather. Thus, he is obsessed with the idea of delivering Isabella by killing the man..
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes dramatically, when he gets to know a beautiful, but strange girl. Lukas, a young man doing "meals on wheels" instead of military service, doesn't have many friends and leads a boring life, until he meets Isabella. The fascinating girl soon becomes his best friend, but Lukas learns she has a sexual relationship to her stepfather. Thus, he is obsessed with the idea of delivering Isabella by killing the man..