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Mario SicilianoSchauspieler:
Gianni Garko, Ivan Rassimov, Elisa Montés, Roberto Miali, Luciano PigozziEine Gruppe Vigilanten greift den Kriegsveteran Bryan und seine Verlobte an, die zu Tode kommt. Bryan wird von seinem Freund Daniel gerettet. Die beiden machen sich auf die Suche nach den Tätern. Doch Bryan leidet darunter, dass er sich nicht an das Gesicht des Mörders erinnern kann. Irgendwann beginnt er willkürlich zu töten und verliert dadurch die Unterstützung seines Partners.
A group of Northern vigilantes, roaming the post Civil War south, attack and kill the fiancee of war veteran Brian (Garko), who is rescued by his friend, Daniel (Rassimov). The two, with brother Robert, set out to find the killers. But Brian, suffering from amnesia and becoming frustrated with not remembering the killer's faces, starts killing at random and loses the support of his two partners.
A group of Northern vigilantes, roaming the post Civil War south, attack and kill the fiancee of war veteran Brian (Garko), who is rescued by his friend, Daniel (Rassimov). The two, with brother Robert, set out to find the killers. But Brian, suffering from amnesia and becoming frustrated with not remembering the killer's faces, starts killing at random and loses the support of his two partners.