Secret Santa
Adam MarcusSchauspieler:
Pat Destro, Joe Howard, A Leslie Kies, Michael Rady, Michelle Renee Allaire, Petra Areskoug, Scott Burkett, Melissa Corkern, William Dixon, Tracy Drolet, Curtis Fortier, John Gilbert, Joyce Greenleaf, Nathan Hedrick, Megan Helbing, Freddy John JamesWeihnachten mit der Familie, eine besinnliche Zeit - wären da nicht die vielen, kleinen oder größeren Streitigkeiten. Auch bei Familie Pope gibt es jede Menge davon, eigentlich können sich die Familienmitglieder nicht wirklich leiden und dennoch wollen sie gemeinsam das Fest verbringen. Als allerdings eine experimentelle Droge den Punsch etwas versüßt, verwandeln sich die kleinen Gehässigkeiten schnell in Mord und Totschlag.
Bitterböse Komödie, die einen Drogencocktail für krasse Entgleisungen nutzt.
“The holidays are a time for backstabbing and silent, annihilating judgment, but for the Pope family, the time-honored tradition of passive aggressive snark is always masked with a smile. But not this year. April Pope, the family’s golden child, is clean and sober and working her twelve steps. She has a new life and an amazing boyfriend and she’s ready to make amends with her sister, Penny for a horrible prank she pulled on her when they were in high school. April figures her mother Shari’s Christmas Eve party, complete with Secret Santa game, will be the perfect moment for forgiveness. Her gift and act of confession will help heal the tensions of all her loved ones.” “But there’s someone else with different idea…” “It’s going to be a bloody good Christmas!”
“The holidays are a time for backstabbing and silent, annihilating judgment, but for the Pope family, the time-honored tradition of passive aggressive snark is always masked with a smile. But not this year. April Pope, the family’s golden child, is clean and sober and working her twelve steps. She has a new life and an amazing boyfriend and she’s ready to make amends with her sister, Penny for a horrible prank she pulled on her when they were in high school. April figures her mother Shari’s Christmas Eve party, complete with Secret Santa game, will be the perfect moment for forgiveness. Her gift and act of confession will help heal the tensions of all her loved ones.” “But there’s someone else with different idea…” “It’s going to be a bloody good Christmas!”