Seit dem Tod seines geliebten Vaters lässt sich Andrew gehen, nimmt Drogen, trinkt regelmäßig auch am Steuer, begeht kleinere Straftaten mit den falschen Freunden. Als die Mutter das Gefühl hat, jeden Einfluss auf den Siebzehnjährigen verloren zu haben, ruft sie ein privatklinisches Interventionsteam, das Andrew buchstäblich aus seinem Bett heraus in Gewahrsam nimmt und in eine provinzielle Entzugsklinik verfrachtet. Dort rebelliert der Jüngling gegen den Freiheitsentzug, wiegelt Mitpatienten auf, sucht nach Fluchtwegen.
"Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest" lässt schön grüßen, wenn Regisseur, Autor und Hauptdarsteller Monty Lapica die eigenen autobiografischen Erinnerungen an einen erzwungenen Drogenentzug im Teenageralter Revue passieren lässt. Ein Schönheitsfehler zwar, dass Lapica kaum mehr wie ein Teenager aussieht, aber ansonsten wird hier mit wachen Ohren und Augen unterhaltsam Gesellschaftskritik geübt im Rahmen eines kurzweiligen Independent-Dramas mit Botschaft.
Based on true events. On the edges of Las Vegas, 17-year-old Andrew's life is spiraling out of control. Unable to cope with the loss of his father, Andrew's descent into drugs and violence is gaining momentum, and the once promising young man is now headed for self-destruction. Andrew's mother, helpless to control her son and fighting an addiction of her own, refuses to watch idly as her only child destroys himself. As a last resort, she hires a private company to forcibly kidnap and confine him in a locked-down and corrupt psychiatric hospital. As Andrew is subjected to the secret physical and emotional abuses of the program something inside him is re-awakened. He must somehow get free to save what's left of his life, but to do that, he knows he must first face his own demons head-on.
Based on true events. On the edges of Las Vegas, 17-year-old Andrew's life is spiraling out of control. Unable to cope with the loss of his father, Andrew's descent into drugs and violence is gaining momentum, and the once promising young man is now headed for self-destruction. Andrew's mother, helpless to control her son and fighting an addiction of her own, refuses to watch idly as her only child destroys himself. As a last resort, she hires a private company to forcibly kidnap and confine him in a locked-down and corrupt psychiatric hospital. As Andrew is subjected to the secret physical and emotional abuses of the program something inside him is re-awakened. He must somehow get free to save what's left of his life, but to do that, he knows he must first face his own demons head-on.