Kent AltermanSchauspieler:
Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, André Benjamin, Maura Tierney, Andrew Daly, Will Arnett, Andy Richter, David Koechner, Rob Corddry, Matt Walsh, Jackie Earle Haley, DeRay Davis, Josh Braaten, Pat Kilbane, Tim Meadows, Jason SudeikisFlint, Michigan 1976: Die nicht gerade talentierte Basketball-Mannschaft der Tropics streben nach dem Sprung in die Nationalliga NBA. Um dies zu erreichen müssen sie allerdings mindestens den vierten Rang in ihrer Liga erreichen. Jackie Moon, Besitzer, Starspieler, Coach und Promoter des Teams in Personalunion, ist voller Hoffnung und bizarrer Einfälle. Doch auch die können nicht darüber hinweg täuschen, dass die Mannschaft mit Clarence nur einen wirklich guten Spieler hat.
Starspieler muss sein Basketball-Team retten. In US-Kinos erfolgreiche Sportkomödie mit Will Ferrell.
Jackie Moon is the owner, promoter, coach, and star player of the Flint Michigan Tropics of the American Basketball Association (ABA). In 1976 before the ABA collapses, the National Basketball Association (NBA) plans to merge with the best teams of the ABA at the end of the season. Only the top four teams will make the move and the worst teams will fold. The Tropics are the worst team in the league and if they want to make it to the NBA, Jackie Moon must rally his team and start winning. The only problem is the fact that Jackie Moon is not really the coach and star basketball player he thinks he is. To keep his team from oblivion and leave his mark in the city, Jackie Moon must inspire his team to win fourth place in the playoffs.
Jackie Moon is the owner, promoter, coach, and star player of the Flint Michigan Tropics of the American Basketball Association (ABA). In 1976 before the ABA collapses, the National Basketball Association (NBA) plans to merge with the best teams of the ABA at the end of the season. Only the top four teams will make the move and the worst teams will fold. The Tropics are the worst team in the league and if they want to make it to the NBA, Jackie Moon must rally his team and start winning. The only problem is the fact that Jackie Moon is not really the coach and star basketball player he thinks he is. To keep his team from oblivion and leave his mark in the city, Jackie Moon must inspire his team to win fourth place in the playoffs.