Asif KapadiaSchauspieler:
Jackie Stewart, Nigel Mansell, Bernie Ecclestone, Alain Prost, Frank Williams, Ron Dennis, Viviane Senna, Milton da Silva, Neide Senna, Sid Watkins, Galvão Bueno, Reginaldo Leme, Gerhard Berger, Nelson Piquet, Jean-Marie Balestre, Rubens BarrichelloBeindruckende Dokumentation über Ayrton Senna, für viele Experten immer noch der schnellste Formel Eins-Fahrer aller Zeiten. BAFTA-Preisträger Asif Kapadia konzentriert sich in seinem Film vor allem auf die Zeitspanne zwischen 1984, in dem der Brasilianer sein erstes Rennen bestritt, und 1994, in dem Senna nach einem schweren Unfall auf dem Circuit von Imola tödlich verunglückte. Dabei entsteht das Bild eines fanatischen Speed-Spezialisten, der sich mit der Rennleitung ebenso anlegte wie mit seinem Dauerrivalen Alain Prost.
Senna's remarkable story, charting his physical and spiritual achievments on the track and off, his quest for perfection, and the mythical status he has since attained, is the subject of Senna, a documentary feature that spans the racing legend's years as an F1 driver, from his opening season in 1984 to his untimely death a decade later.
Senna's remarkable story, charting his physical and spiritual achievments on the track and off, his quest for perfection, and the mythical status he has since attained, is the subject of Senna, a documentary feature that spans the racing legend's years as an F1 driver, from his opening season in 1984 to his untimely death a decade later.