Michael FandlSchauspieler:
Nicolas Brieger, Sebastian Pass, John Fricke, Daniel Jesch, Sven Kaschte, Elisabeth Krön, Alice Macura, Catherine Oborny, Barbara PetritschQuelle: AbschriftAuf einem Landgut im österreichischen Hinterland kommen sieben höchst unterschiedliche Patienten mit sieben ebenso verschiedenen psychischen Defekten zusammen, um sich von der erfahrenen Gesprächstherapeutin Sylvia von der Bulimie, den Kindheitstraumata, der Drogensucht oder der Sex-Sucht kurieren zu lassen. Bereits nach wenigen Tagen treten offene Konflikte zwischen diversen Beteiligten auf und versetzen alle nach und nach in Panik.
Die Lage eskaliert, als es zum ersten Todesfall kommt.
Quelle (Internet/Covertext)
Seven people with problems and two therapists. Spending time in a lonely hut in the mountains. A whole week therapy which could be strenuous but healing. One person has an eating disorder. The other is neurotic, another has a drug addiction problem and someone has panic attacks. In the one case a person always carries a photo album of his family with him. Group dynamics and no hectic can be an explosive mixture for the two therapists. Strange things happen. All seven use cameras to document there progress. They show mysterious clues from an uninhabited house. Someone leaves deadly messages, somebody that they know in their weakest and most afraid state of mind. From the nine people there are only eight...seven...six...
Seven people with problems and two therapists. Spending time in a lonely hut in the mountains. A whole week therapy which could be strenuous but healing. One person has an eating disorder. The other is neurotic, another has a drug addiction problem and someone has panic attacks. In the one case a person always carries a photo album of his family with him. Group dynamics and no hectic can be an explosive mixture for the two therapists. Strange things happen. All seven use cameras to document there progress. They show mysterious clues from an uninhabited house. Someone leaves deadly messages, somebody that they know in their weakest and most afraid state of mind. From the nine people there are only eight...seven...six...