Shiver - Die düsteren Schatten der Angst
Isidro OrtizSchauspieler:
Junio Valverde, Blanca Suárez, Jimmy Barnatán, Mar Sodupe, Francesc Orella, Roberto Enríquez, Josep Maria Domènech, Paul Berrondo, Ariadna Cabrol, Laia Alemany, Andrés Herrera, Juli Mira, Anna Ycobalzeta, Berta Ros, Pau Poch, Lucy TillettTeenager Santi leidet unter einer rätselhaften Überempfindlichkeit gegen Sonnenlicht, weshalb ihn seine Schulkameraden als Vampir verspotten und die Ärzte der Solomutter zum Umzug in neblige Berggefilde raten. Dort gerät Santi buchstäblich vom Regen in die Traufe, als praktisch mit seiner Ankunft eine rätselhafte Mordserie anhebt, in die Santi nicht nur nach Meinung örtlicher Cops offenbar verwickelt ist. Auf eigene Faust Nachforschungen anstellend, erfährt Santi von der Geschichte eines mysteriösen Wolfsmädchens.
Santi, a young high-school student with a serious physical reaction to sunlight, is forced by his health to move with his single mother to a shadowy, isolated village in the mountains of Spain where the inhabitants begin to reveal themselves as strangely xenophobic. When terrible, violent events begin to occur, Santi becomes first a pariah at school and then strongly suspected by the police of hideous murders. Santi himself, however, wonders if he is not the next victim.
Santi, a young high-school student with a serious physical reaction to sunlight, is forced by his health to move with his single mother to a shadowy, isolated village in the mountains of Spain where the inhabitants begin to reveal themselves as strangely xenophobic. When terrible, violent events begin to occur, Santi becomes first a pariah at school and then strongly suspected by the police of hideous murders. Santi himself, however, wonders if he is not the next victim.