Sie heißt jetzt Lotte!
Annekathrin WetzelSchauspieler:
Lola Dockhorn, Maria Ehrich, Kai-Peter Malina, Peter Kollmann„Sie heißt jetzt Lotte!“ erzählt die Geschichte von zwei Freundinnen während der NS-Diktatur. Maria und Lea sind Schauspielerinnen am Münchner Theater, Anfang 20 und unzertrennlich. Bis die Nationalsozialisten an die Macht kommen und Maria ihre große Liebe Hans heiratet, der bei der SS Karriere macht. Maria darf ihre jüdische Freundin nun nicht mehr sehen. Im November 1942, am Tag der ersten Judendeportation in München fasst sie einen folgenschweren Entschluss: sie warnt ihre Freundin, nimmt Leas Kind Charlotte an sich und rettet das kleine Mädchen vor dem Konzentrationslager. Maria riskiert dadurch nicht nur ihr eigenes Leben, sondern verliert auch Hans
The deep friendship between young theater actresses Maria and her Jewish friend Lea gradually starts to break as Marias husband Hans goes from being a young adventurer to a high ranking SS officer. But on that day of the Jewish deportations in Munich, Maria comes to a momentous decision which proves what friendship really means to her. She takes on Leas child Charlotte to save her from being deported to the concentration camp, thereby risking her own life and ultimately loosing Hans. Marias story shows that in the end friendship can triumph over terror and death. The film is inspired by the childhood of Charlotte Knobloch, Vice President of the World Jewish Congress and supports our project.
The deep friendship between young theater actresses Maria and her Jewish friend Lea gradually starts to break as Marias husband Hans goes from being a young adventurer to a high ranking SS officer. But on that day of the Jewish deportations in Munich, Maria comes to a momentous decision which proves what friendship really means to her. She takes on Leas child Charlotte to save her from being deported to the concentration camp, thereby risking her own life and ultimately loosing Hans. Marias story shows that in the end friendship can triumph over terror and death. The film is inspired by the childhood of Charlotte Knobloch, Vice President of the World Jewish Congress and supports our project.