Lawrence KasdanSchauspieler:
Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Danny Glover, Kevin Costner, Brian Dennehy, Rosanna Arquette, John Cleese, Linda Hunt, Jeff Goldblum, Brad Leland, Marvin J. McIntyre, Sheb Wooley, Jonathan Kasdan, Todd Allen, Kenny Call, Bill ThurmanVier Männer reiten gemeinsam, aber aus unterschiedlichen Motiven nach Silverado. Emmett und sein schießfreudiger jüngerer Bruder Jake, der Spieler und Einzelgänger Paden und der schwarze Hüne Mal helfen einem Siedlertreck, bringen die von Banditen geraubte Habe zurück und trennen sich wieder. In Silverado treffen sie wieder aufeinander und treten gemeinsam gegen den von einem raffgierigen Rinderbaron gekauften korrupten Sheriff Cobb, der auch den Saloon besitzt, an und befreien die Stadt aus deren Herrschaft.
Western-Anthologie mit Starbesetzung.
Four unwitting heroes cross paths on their journey to the sleepy town of Silverado. Little do they know the town where their family and friends reside has been taken over by a corrupt sheriff and a murderous posse. It's up to the sharp-shooting foursome to save the day, but first they have to break each other out of jail, and learn who their real friends are.
Four unwitting heroes cross paths on their journey to the sleepy town of Silverado. Little do they know the town where their family and friends reside has been taken over by a corrupt sheriff and a murderous posse. It's up to the sharp-shooting foursome to save the day, but first they have to break each other out of jail, and learn who their real friends are.