Single Bells
Xaver SchwarzenbergerSchauspieler:
Martina Gedeck, Inge Konradi, Johanna von Koczian, Mona Seefried, Erwin Steinhauer, Gregor Bloéb, Mariella Hahn, Thomas Beyrhofer, Proschat Madani, Adelheid Picha, Barbara Demmer, Nina Proll, Susanne Michel, Ina Lang, Elisabeth Orth, Stephan Paryla-RakyKati und Jonas sind um die dreißig und ein modernes Paar - mit jeweils eigener Wohnung und viel Selbstverwirklichung. Weihnachten naht und die beiden planen ihre Flucht vor dem Weihnachtstrubel nach Mauritius. Doch plötzlich überwältigt Kati die Sentimentalität: Sie kann ihre Sehnsucht nach Familienglück und eigenen Kindern nicht mehr unterdrücken und entschließt sich nach großem Partnerkrach im letzten Moment dazu, doch weiße Weihnachten zu feiern - im Kreis ihrer Familie. Und sie lädt sich - ohne Jonas - zum Weihnachtsfest ihrer Schwester Luiserl ein. Doch im romantisch verschneiten Landhaus der Schwester sorgen allerdings deren Gatte Joe, die beiden Schwiegermütter und Omamas sowie die beiden Kinder für heftige Turbulenzen unter dem Lichterbaum. Die weihnachtliche Idylle entpuppt sich sehr bald als schlechte Inszenierung, getrau dem schönen Kinderreim: Advent, Advent - der Christbaum brennt!
Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear... Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear...
Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear... Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear...