Skyfire - Eine Insel in Flammen
Simon WestSchauspieler:
Wang Xueqi, Hannah Quinlivan, Shawn Dou, Jason Isaacs, Alice Rietveld, Ji Lingchen, Shi Liang, Bee Rogers, Li Yiqing, Lawrence de Stefano, Makena Taylor, Gigi VelicitatNachdem seine Frau bei einem katastrophalen Vulkanausbruch ums Leben gekommen ist, hat sich der Geologe Wentao Li (Xueqi Wang) geschworen, nie wieder auf die Insel Tianhuo zurückzukehren. Seine Tochter Meng (Hannah Quinlivan) hingegen forscht weiter auf der Insel, in der Hoffnung, kommende Vulkanausbrüche besser vorhersehen und die nächste Katastrophe verhindern zu können. Trotz ihrer Warnungen hat der gierige Geschäftsmann Jack Harris (Jason Isaacs) auf dem vermeintlich inaktiven Vulkan inzwischen einen Vergnügungspark eröffnet, der täglich unzählige Besucher empfängt. Als Wentao in Sorge um seine Tochter auf die Insel zurückkehrt, bricht der Vulkan erneut aus und ein atemloser Kampf ums Überleben beginnt.
Tianhuo Island is a beautiful paradise. It almost makes people forget that it is located in the "Ring of Fire", the world-famous Pacific Rim volcanic belt. Young geologist Li Xiaomeng brings her team here to develop the first volcanic monitoring system, the Suzaku. Li Xiaomeng's father, Li Wentao, a volcanic expert who has retired for many years, rushes to the crater after learning about it, trying to persuade her to leave. At the same time, expedition expert Zheng Nan dives in the beautiful underwater cave, preparing to give his girlfriend Jiahui a romantic proposal. The volcano erupts, and the fate of these people are entangled. In order to see tomorrow, they must work together to find a way to survive.
Tianhuo Island is a beautiful paradise. It almost makes people forget that it is located in the "Ring of Fire", the world-famous Pacific Rim volcanic belt. Young geologist Li Xiaomeng brings her team here to develop the first volcanic monitoring system, the Suzaku. Li Xiaomeng's father, Li Wentao, a volcanic expert who has retired for many years, rushes to the crater after learning about it, trying to persuade her to leave. At the same time, expedition expert Zheng Nan dives in the beautiful underwater cave, preparing to give his girlfriend Jiahui a romantic proposal. The volcano erupts, and the fate of these people are entangled. In order to see tomorrow, they must work together to find a way to survive.