Slayers Return
Hiroshi Watanabe, Kunihiko YuyamaSchauspieler:
Megumi Hayashibara, Maria Kawamura, Akiko Hiramatsu, Akio Otsuka, Chafurin, Minoru Inaba, Maya Okamoto, Kenji Utsumi, Kazuki Yao, Daisuke GouriUnerhörte Feinde wie Geheimorganisationen, die die Welt beherrschen wollen, und mysteriöse, stärkste Kampftruppen greifen Lina und Naga nacheinander an, weil sie in einem Dorf liegen, in dem die Elfen früher lebten. Darüber hinaus erscheint ein unsterbliches Monster, das nicht von angreifender Magie betroffen ist, und treibt Lina und Naga in eine schreckliche Zwickmühle. Was sollen sie tun?
Outrageous enemies such as secret organizations aiming to dominate the world and mysterious strongest fighting forces attack Lina and Naga one after another for legendary "treasure" lying in a village in which Elves used to live. In addition, an immortal monster not affected by attacking magic appears and drive Lina and Naga into a terrible pinch. What they should do?
Outrageous enemies such as secret organizations aiming to dominate the world and mysterious strongest fighting forces attack Lina and Naga one after another for legendary "treasure" lying in a village in which Elves used to live. In addition, an immortal monster not affected by attacking magic appears and drive Lina and Naga into a terrible pinch. What they should do?