Snuff Massacre
Tommi Lepola, Tero MolinSchauspieler:
Karoliina Blackburn, Rita Suomalainen, Steve Porter, Anna Alkiomaa, Jonathan Rankle, Jani Lahti, Ville Arasalo, David Yoken, Riikka Niemi, John J. Lenick, Ramo Kalupala, Eija Koskimaa, Jukka Toivonen, Wiley Cousins, Markku Peltola, Elina JärnEine amerikanisch-finnische Filmcrew dreht in einer heruntergekommenen ehemaligen Irrenanstalt einen Horrorfilm über einen verrückten Professor, der hinter ebenjenen Mauern einst mit Patienten echte Snuff- und Folterfilme arrangierte. Es kommt, wie es kommen muss: Amerikaner und Finnen beginnen zu streiten, die Produktion hält mit den Gehältern hinterm Berg, die Filmemacher stolpern über die Snuff-Filme von damals, und deren intensive Sichtung tut besonders dem Kreativleiter gar nicht gut. Dem ist nämlich ab sofort nichts mehr realistisch genug.
Selbstironischer Low-Budget-Horror mit heftigen Ausschreitungen.
Back in the early 1970s, at a mental institution near the Russian border, a crazed doctor, Dr. Anderson assumed the persona of "the Auteur," and began murdering his patients while filming the atrocities. Thirty years later, an American film crew has arrived at the hospital to shoot a horror film based on those awful events. The director, Steven, is determined to make the film as realistic as possible, a goal that doesn't seem too far-fetched when his Finnish sound men discover a hidden room in the hospital basement. There, perfectly preserved, are the original snuff films shot by "the Auteur". As Steven's obsession grows, his cast and crew begin to fear for his sanity. But this is only the beginning, because when Steven discovers actual camera used by "the Auteur", he assumes the role of the murderous doctor and the real slaughter begins.
Back in the early 1970s, at a mental institution near the Russian border, a crazed doctor, Dr. Anderson assumed the persona of "the Auteur," and began murdering his patients while filming the atrocities. Thirty years later, an American film crew has arrived at the hospital to shoot a horror film based on those awful events. The director, Steven, is determined to make the film as realistic as possible, a goal that doesn't seem too far-fetched when his Finnish sound men discover a hidden room in the hospital basement. There, perfectly preserved, are the original snuff films shot by "the Auteur". As Steven's obsession grows, his cast and crew begin to fear for his sanity. But this is only the beginning, because when Steven discovers actual camera used by "the Auteur", he assumes the role of the murderous doctor and the real slaughter begins.