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Nico HofmannSchauspieler:
Götz George, Corinna Harfouch, Tim Bergmann, Barbara Auer, Barbara Rudnik, Christian Redl, Nikolaus Paryla, Katharina Thalbach, Saskia Vester, Heinrich Schafmeister, Daniela Ziegler, Jochen Busse, Nicole Heesters, Walter Kreye, Ute WillingEin spektakulärer Mord ruft den Berliner Kriminalhauptkommissar Bernie Kominka auf den Plan: Der Leiche Georg Steinmanns fehlt ein Teil seiner Genitalien. Ein gelber Regenschirm bringt Kominka auf die Spur von Anna Weller. Als er wegen Differenzen mit seinem Chef und Schwager Thomas Hecht vom Dienst suspendiert wird, ermittelt er auf eigene Faust weiter. Auf einer Single-Party begegnet er Anna und verliebt sich in sie, obwohl er stark an ihrer Unschuld zweifelt. Eine leidenschaftliche, abgründige Affäre nimmt ihren Lauf...
Nico Hofmann, Regisseur des TV-Hits "Der Sandmann", gelang ein erotischer Psycho-Thriller der Extraklasse. Den in New York angesiedelten, gleichnamigen Roman der Psychoanalytikerin Elsa Lewin transponierte er dabei ohne jeglichen Reibungsverlust in die beklemmend-anonyme Atmosphäre des heutigen Berlin.
Berlin, Germany. A cruel murder took place in an appartment building. Somebody bit off quite a piece of the victim's penis, who then, of course, lost a lot of blood, before being struck down at the head. Leading investigator Bernhard Kominka, being in stress due to a mentally retarded son and a problematic wife, seems to be the only one to see a lady in a red coat. After a while, his theory of her being the murderer may prove to be true, but the Cop also kind of fell in love with this new, interesting person in both of his lives: professional and private as well. Borders dissolve. His decision may be disastrous in any way.
Berlin, Germany. A cruel murder took place in an appartment building. Somebody bit off quite a piece of the victim's penis, who then, of course, lost a lot of blood, before being struck down at the head. Leading investigator Bernhard Kominka, being in stress due to a mentally retarded son and a problematic wife, seems to be the only one to see a lady in a red coat. After a while, his theory of her being the murderer may prove to be true, but the Cop also kind of fell in love with this new, interesting person in both of his lives: professional and private as well. Borders dissolve. His decision may be disastrous in any way.