Mark PottsSchauspieler:
Matt Hobby, Mary Grill, Benjamin Crutcher, Winston Carter, Brand Rackley, Joe LoCicero, Leigh Wulff, Kevin M. Brennan, Doug Manley, Nathan Caywood, Janna Jude, David Reynolds, Ali Hoffmann, Joe Fria, Joseph Aceves, Ross BuranClark ist ein Loser, der sich weder um seine Umwelt noch um sich selbst groß kümmert - bis ihm eines Tages ein kleines Missgeschick mit einem Topf Spaghetti und einer kaputten Mikrowelle widerfährt. Danach ist nichts mehr wie vorher, denn von nun hat verfügt er über Superkräfte, die es ihm ermöglichen, Schurken und Ganoven mit Hilfe von Spaghetti zur Strecke zu bringen.
Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself. But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti. However, you have to pay him.
Clark doesn't care about you. He doesn't care about the world. He barely cares about himself. But after an incident with an old bowl of spaghetti and a malfunctioning microwave, he becomes a superhero that can fight crime with the power of spaghetti. However, you have to pay him.