Spetters - Knallhart und romantisch
Paul VerhoevenSchauspieler:
Hans van Tongeren, Renée Soutendijk, Toon Agterberg, Maarten Spanjer, Marianne Boyer, Rutger Hauer, Jeroen Krabbé, Peter Tuinman, Saskia van Basten-Batenburg, Yvonne Valkenburg, Ab Abspoel, Rudi Falkenhagen, Hans Veerman, Ben Aerden, Kitty Courbois, Margot KeuneDas Leben von Fien, Eef und Hans ist nicht unbedingt von großen Erfolgserlebnissen bestimmt. Im Motocross wittern sie allerdings ihre Chance, ihrem Vorbild Gerrit Witkamp nachzueifern und berühmt zu werden. Derweil träumt auch Fientje von einem besseren Leben und davon, ihrem Job in einer Frittenbude und ihrem gewalttätigen Bruder zu entfliehen, und stürzt sich in Affären mit den Motorradfreaks.
Eine von Paul Verhoevens letzten niederländischen Produktionen aus dem Jahr 1980, kurz vor seinem internationalen Durchbruch inszeniert.
A Dutch film, post-Saturday Night Fever, which follows the lives of three young men who are amateur dirt-bike motorcycle racers. They each fall in love with a young woman who, with her brother, sells French fries and hot dogs at the races. Everyone is looking for a better life. She wants out of the business and away from her brother. The motocross racers want to make their marks as professional racers, like their hero, played by Rutger Hauer.
A Dutch film, post-Saturday Night Fever, which follows the lives of three young men who are amateur dirt-bike motorcycle racers. They each fall in love with a young woman who, with her brother, sells French fries and hot dogs at the races. Everyone is looking for a better life. She wants out of the business and away from her brother. The motocross racers want to make their marks as professional racers, like their hero, played by Rutger Hauer.