Jae-geun Yoon, Jae-Keun YoonSchauspieler:
Yoon Kye-sang, Park Yong-woo, Lim Ji-yeon, Yoo Seung-mok, Park Ji-hwan, Lee Sung-wook, Hong Gi-jun, Seo Hyun-woo, Ju Jin-moIan wacht nach einem Verkehrsunfall ohne Gedächtnis, aber mit einer Schussverletzung auf. Schnell wird klar, dass der Körper, in dem er sich befindet, nicht sein eigener ist. Es kommt noch schlimmer: Offenbar wechselt seine Seele alle zwölf Stunden in einen anderen Körper. So landet er inmitten einer kriminellen Verschwörung. Und er ist nicht der einzige, der auf der Suche nach seiner Identität ist, denn Gangster, korrupte Cops und eine mysteriöse Frau namens Jina suchen ebenfalls nach ihm. Mit Waffengewalt und den Kampfkünsten seiner Leihkörper muss Ian seinen ursprünglichen Körper finden, bevor seine Feinde ihm zuvorkommen.
A man loses his memory and wakes up in a new body every 12 hours, each time forced to discover who he is anew. This condition begins when he wakes up in the middle of a car crash, in the body of someone he doesn't recognize, without any knowledge of who he is. He begins to realize that his spirit is stuck to a different body and moves every 12 hours. In his desperate search to find himself, he comes across a woman who claims to recognize him. As he bores deeper into the mystery, he comes across a secretive organization that appears to be chasing him. Before it’s too late, he must find a way back into his own body.
A man loses his memory and wakes up in a new body every 12 hours, each time forced to discover who he is anew. This condition begins when he wakes up in the middle of a car crash, in the body of someone he doesn't recognize, without any knowledge of who he is. He begins to realize that his spirit is stuck to a different body and moves every 12 hours. In his desperate search to find himself, he comes across a woman who claims to recognize him. As he bores deeper into the mystery, he comes across a secretive organization that appears to be chasing him. Before it’s too late, he must find a way back into his own body.