Spuren eines Lebens
Lajos KoltaiSchauspieler:
Claire Danes, Toni Collette, Vanessa Redgrave, Patrick Wilson, Hugh Dancy, Natasha Richardson, Mamie Gummer, Eileen Atkins, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Timothy Kiefer, Cheryl Lynn BowersAm Ende ihres Lebens rätselt die sterbenskranke Ann Lord (Vanessa Redgrave) darüber, ob sie vor 50 Jahren den perfekten Mann verschmähte, in der Sorge, ihre Töchter Nina (Toni Collette) und Constance (Natasha Richardson) könnten ähnliche Fehler wiederholen. Damals besuchte Ann (Claire Danes) ihre beste Freundin Lila (Mamie Gummer) zu ihrer Hochzeit. Ann fühlte sich zu Lilas Bruder Buddy (Hugh Dancy) und dem Angestelltensohn Harris (Patrick Wilson) hingezogen.
Wenn Drehbuchautor Michael Cunningham (Vorlage zu "The Hours") einen Roman von Susan Minot adaptiert, bekommt man exquisite Gefühle und großes Frauen-Kino, topbesetzt bis in kleinste Nebenrollen (Meryl Streep, Glenn Close) und kunstvoll verschachtelt gedichtet von Lajos Koltai ("Fateless").
As Constance (Natasha Richardson) and Nina (Toni Collette) gather at the deathbed of their mother, Ann (Vanessa Redgrave), they learn for the first time that their mother lived an entire other lifetime during one evening 50 years ago. In vivid flashbacks, the young Ann (Claire Daines) spends one night with a man named Harris (Patrick Wilson), who was the love of her life.
As Constance (Natasha Richardson) and Nina (Toni Collette) gather at the deathbed of their mother, Ann (Vanessa Redgrave), they learn for the first time that their mother lived an entire other lifetime during one evening 50 years ago. In vivid flashbacks, the young Ann (Claire Daines) spends one night with a man named Harris (Patrick Wilson), who was the love of her life.