Spuren im Eis
Staffan JulénSchauspieler:
Robert PearyDer US-amerikanische Ingenieur und Polarforscher Robert E. Peary erreichte als erster Mensch den Nordpol. Jahre zuvor, 1897, brachte der Entdecker sechs Inuit mit nach New York, wo sie für Schaulustige ausgestellt wurden. Einzig der Junge Minik überlebte am Ende die Verschleppung und kehrte nach 12 Jahren im Exil in seine nordische Heimat zurück. Derweil führte Peary in Grönland ein Doppelleben mit einer Eingeborenen. Sein Urenkel Robert E. Peary II begibt sich auf Spurensuche und findet einiges über das Schicksal Miniks heraus.
Dokumentarfilmer Staffan Julens bricht in die Polarregion auf, um in Grönland und am Nordpol nach drei Menschen und ihrem Leben in kultureller Zerrissenheit zu forschen. Der Urenkel des berühmten Polarforschers reist mit in die eigene Vergangenheit.
Three men and their life-long attempts to reconcile the opposing cultural ties within them. The story unfolds in the tension between Robert E. Peary, the American who spent 23 years among the polar Eskimos in order to conquer the North Pole, and Minik, the sole survivor out of six Eskimos, who were put on the New York exhibition in 1897 by Peary. In the film's contemporary scenes, the young polar Eskimo Robert E. Peary II, a great-grandchild of the Arctic explorer, goes on an expedition into his ancestors' past, which takes him from Greenland to America. It changes Robert's view on himself and his family history forever.
Three men and their life-long attempts to reconcile the opposing cultural ties within them. The story unfolds in the tension between Robert E. Peary, the American who spent 23 years among the polar Eskimos in order to conquer the North Pole, and Minik, the sole survivor out of six Eskimos, who were put on the New York exhibition in 1897 by Peary. In the film's contemporary scenes, the young polar Eskimo Robert E. Peary II, a great-grandchild of the Arctic explorer, goes on an expedition into his ancestors' past, which takes him from Greenland to America. It changes Robert's view on himself and his family history forever.