Roger MichellSchauspieler:
Ben Affleck, Samuel L. Jackson, Kim Staunton, Toni Collette, Sydney Pollack, Matt Malloy, William Hurt, John Benjamin Hickey, Amanda Peet, Michael Pitt, Myra Lucretia TaylorEin simpler Verkehrsunfall beim Spurwechsel zwischen dem elitären, arroganten Wall-Street-Anwalt Gavin Banek und dem geplagten schwarzen Versicherungsangestellten Doyle Gipson, beide auf dem Weg zu einem wichtigen Termin vor Gericht, endet im heftigen Klassenkampf. Banek lässt Gipson nach dem Zusammenstoß nämlich einfach auf der Straße stehen, übersieht dabei jedoch, dass er seinem Kontrahenten unabsichtlich wichtige Dokumente in die Hand gedrückt hat, die dieser nun nicht mehr gewillt ist herauszurücken.
Nachdenklicher Moralthriller um zwei grundverschiedene Männer, die zu erbitterten Feinden werden.
A rush-hour fender-bender on New York City's crowded FDR Drive, under most circumstances, wouldn't set off a chain reaction that could decimate two people's lives. But on this day, at this time, a minor collision will turn two complete strangers into vicious adversaries. Their means of destroying each other might be different, but their goals, ultimately, will be the same: Each will systematically try to dismantle the other's life in a reckless effort to reclaim something he has lost.
A rush-hour fender-bender on New York City's crowded FDR Drive, under most circumstances, wouldn't set off a chain reaction that could decimate two people's lives. But on this day, at this time, a minor collision will turn two complete strangers into vicious adversaries. Their means of destroying each other might be different, but their goals, ultimately, will be the same: Each will systematically try to dismantle the other's life in a reckless effort to reclaim something he has lost.