Staatsanwälte küsst man nicht
Ivan ReitmanSchauspieler:
Robert Redford, Debra Winger, Daryl Hannah, Brian Dennehy, Terence Stamp, Steven Hill, David Clennon, John McMartin, Jennifer Dundas, Roscoe Lee Browne, Christine Baranski, Sara Botsford, David Hart, James Hurdle, Gary Howard Klar, Christian ClemensonDer erfolgreiche Staatsanwalt Tom Logan verliebt sich in Anwaltskollegin Laura, die ihn in einen mysteriösen Fall verwickelt. Die junge Performance-Künstlerin Chelsea Deardon behauptet, ihr Vater, ein berühmter Maler, sei vor zwanzig Jahren nicht bei einem Brand umgekommen, sondern ermordet, seine Gemälde gestohlen worden. Laura braucht Toms Hilfe, um die Geschichte zu beweisen. Der ziert sich, doch die attraktive Chelsea umgarnt ihn geschickt. Tom gerät in Lebensgefahr und löst den Fall im Hafen von New York.
District Attorney Tom Logan is set for higher office, at least until he becomes involved with defence lawyer Laura Kelly and her unpredictable client Chelsea Deardon. It seems the least of Chelsea's crimes is the theft of a very valuable painting, but as the women persuade Logan to investigate further and to cut some official corners, a much more sinister scenario starts to emerge.
District Attorney Tom Logan is set for higher office, at least until he becomes involved with defence lawyer Laura Kelly and her unpredictable client Chelsea Deardon. It seems the least of Chelsea's crimes is the theft of a very valuable painting, but as the women persuade Logan to investigate further and to cut some official corners, a much more sinister scenario starts to emerge.