Stadt in Panik
Gary ShermanSchauspieler:
Yaphet Kotto, Scott Valentine, Rue McClanahan, Jack Scalia, Tuck Milligan, Richard Anthony Crenna, Paul Ben-Victor, Michael Clark, Gary Swanson, Nicholas Zaninovich, Charlotte Crossley, Carlease Burke, Clinton Derricks-Carroll, Raleigh Friend, Rai TascoAufrüttelndes Dokumentardrama über das Erdbeben vom 17. Oktober 1989, das nur acht Sekunden dauerte, aber gewaltige Schäden im Gebiet von San Francisco verursachte. Nahtlos zusammengefügt zeigen authentische Dokumentaraufnahmen des Bebens und nachgestellte, fiktive Szenen, wie gewöhnliche Bürger sich in der Stunde der Not bewähren.
On October 17 1989, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale rocked San Francisco. Presented here are some of the stories of the brave members of the public and emergency services who rescued people who were trapped in the rubble in houses or on the freeway.
On October 17 1989, an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale rocked San Francisco. Presented here are some of the stories of the brave members of the public and emergency services who rescued people who were trapped in the rubble in houses or on the freeway.