Stählerne Schwingen
Nicholas RaySchauspieler:
John Wayne, Robert Ryan, Don Taylor, Janis Carter, Jay C. Flippen, William Harrigan, James Bell, Barry Kelley, Maurice Jara, Adam Williams, James Dobson, Carleton Young, Michael St. Angel, Brett King, Gordon Gebert1942 wird Major Dan Kirby die Führung eines Flugzeuggeschwaders im Südpazifik anvertraut. Mit seiner Strenge macht er sich schnell bei der Truppe unbeliebt, die ohnehin lieber den kumpelhaften Captain Griffin in seiner Position gesehen hätte. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, treten wiederholt Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen Kirby und Griffin auf. Doch als es hart auf hart kommt, müssen die Flieger einsehen, dass durch Nettigkeit keine Kriege gewonnen werden können.
Kriegsfilm, in dem John Wayne mit harter Hand sein Fliegergeschwader für den Einsatz trimmt.
Major Daniel Kirby takes command of a squadron of Marine fliers just before they are about to go into combat. While the men are well meaning, he finds them undisciplined and prone to always finding excuses to do what is easy rather than what is necessary. The root of the problem is the second in command, Capt. Carl 'Griff' Griffin. Griff is the best flier in the group but Kirby finds him a poor commander who is not prepared to the difficult decision that all commanders have to make - to put men in harm's way knowing that they may be killed.
Major Daniel Kirby takes command of a squadron of Marine fliers just before they are about to go into combat. While the men are well meaning, he finds them undisciplined and prone to always finding excuses to do what is easy rather than what is necessary. The root of the problem is the second in command, Capt. Carl 'Griff' Griffin. Griff is the best flier in the group but Kirby finds him a poor commander who is not prepared to the difficult decision that all commanders have to make - to put men in harm's way knowing that they may be killed.