Stalag 17
Billy WilderSchauspieler:
William Holden, Don Taylor, Otto Preminger, Robert Strauss, Harvey Lembeck, Richard Erdman, Peter Graves, Neville Brand, Sig Ruman, Michael Moore, Peter Baldwin, Robinson Stone, Robert Shawley, William Pierson, Gil Stratton, Jay LawrenceDer zynische Sgt. Sefton ist mit seinen Kameraden während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in einem deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlager inhaftiert. Zwar denkt Sefton häufig genug über eine Flucht nach, doch tatsächlich genießt er sein entspanntes Barrackenleben. Als ein Paar Gefangener bei einem Fluchtversuch getötet wird, streicht Sefton, der auf ihr Scheitern gewettet hatte, das Geld ein und macht sich damit verdächtig, die beiden an die Deutschen verraten zu haben. Auch als ein neuer Gefangener, Lt. Dunbar, offen darüber spricht, einen deutschen Zug bombardiert zu haben, wird dieser prompt von dem sadistischen Oberst von Scherbach verhört. Die Verdächtigen schwören, sich an dem vermeintlichen Nazi-Spion Sefton zu rächen.
Geniales und spannendes Drama von Billy Wilder über die Abenteuer amerikanischer G.I.s in einem deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlager im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
It's a dreary Christmas 1944 for the American POWs in Stalag 17. For the men in Barracks 4, all sergeants, have to deal with a grave problem - there seems to be a security leak. The Germans always seem to be forewarned about escapes and in the most recent attempt the two men, Manfredi and Johnson, walked straight into a trap and were killed. For some in Barracks 4, especially the loud-mouthed Duke, the leaker is obvious: J.J. Sefton, a wheeler-dealer who doesn't hesitate to trade with the guards and who has acquired goods and privileges that no other prisoner seems to have. Sefton denies giving the Germans any information and makes it quite clear that he has no intention of ever trying to escape. He plans to ride out the war in what little comfort he can arrange, but it doesn't extend to spying for the Germans.
It's a dreary Christmas 1944 for the American POWs in Stalag 17. For the men in Barracks 4, all sergeants, have to deal with a grave problem - there seems to be a security leak. The Germans always seem to be forewarned about escapes and in the most recent attempt the two men, Manfredi and Johnson, walked straight into a trap and were killed. For some in Barracks 4, especially the loud-mouthed Duke, the leaker is obvious: J.J. Sefton, a wheeler-dealer who doesn't hesitate to trade with the guards and who has acquired goods and privileges that no other prisoner seems to have. Sefton denies giving the Germans any information and makes it quite clear that he has no intention of ever trying to escape. He plans to ride out the war in what little comfort he can arrange, but it doesn't extend to spying for the Germans.