Starke Frauen sind Unschlagbar
Mark PuntSchauspieler:
Dagmar Liekens, Gaston Berghmans, Frank Aendenboom, Sophie Winters, Jappe Claes, Tom Van Landuyt, Axel Daeseleire, Herbert Flack, Stany CretsDie 21-jährige San wird nach einer 10-monatigen Gefängnisstrafe aus der Haft entlassen und nimmt einen Job in einem chinesischen Take-Away-Restaurant an. Als die unbezahlbare Kunstsammlung einer angesehenen Anwaltsfamilie gestohlen wird, gilt San als Hauptverdächtige. Nach einer wilden Flucht wird sie festgenommen, kann aber am Tag des Prozesses erneut entkommen und taucht unter. Sabine, die rebellische Tochter der Anwaltsfamilie, ist von Sans Unschuld überzeugt und beginnt ihre eigenen, unkonventionellen Nachforschungen.
Dennis Davids is a young, talented and idealistic lawyer in Antwerp, who takes every case at heart, even the pro-deo clients the court assigns for a meager fee. Needless to say he really goes the extra mile, risking his life and his career as his own private detective, in the case of Sandra Van Rompaey, a female kick-boxer who also proves herself as his lover, but is a miserable client, repeatedly violating her probation terms as well as the law.
Dennis Davids is a young, talented and idealistic lawyer in Antwerp, who takes every case at heart, even the pro-deo clients the court assigns for a meager fee. Needless to say he really goes the extra mile, risking his life and his career as his own private detective, in the case of Sandra Van Rompaey, a female kick-boxer who also proves herself as his lover, but is a miserable client, repeatedly violating her probation terms as well as the law.