Starship Troopers: Invasion
Shinji AramakiSchauspieler:
Luci Christian, Justin Doran, David Matranga, David Wald, Emily Neves, Andrew Love, Sam Roman, Jovan Jackson, Kalob Martinez, Karl GlusmanIm Kampf um die Vorherrschaft im Weltall zwischen Insekten und Menschen unternehmen die Insekten einen weiteren, diesmal recht vielversprechenden Anlauf, in dem sie ein prominentes irdisches Schlachtschiff kapern und voller kampfbereiter Monster geradewegs Richtung Erde lenken. Ein Trupp Soldaten unter Führung von Kapitän Carmen Ibanez aber hält immer noch an Bord die Stellung, was Carmens altem Lover und heutigen Flottenadmiral Johnny Rico die Entscheidung über das weitere Vorgehen nicht eben leicht macht.
Alte Bekannte in animierter Gestalt kämpfen gegen bewährte Gegner im Spinoff zu Verhoevens SciFi-Klassiker.
A distant Federation outpost Fort Casey comes under attack by bugs. The team on the fast attack ship Alesia is assigned to help the Starship John A. Warden stationed in Fort Casey evacuate along with the survivors and bring military intelligence safely back to Earth. Carl Jenkins, now ministry of Paranormal Warfare, takes the starship on a clandestine mission before its rendezvous with the Alesia and goes missing in the nebula. Now, the battle-hardened troopers are charged with a rescue mission that may lead to a much more sinister consequence than they ever could have imagined....
A distant Federation outpost Fort Casey comes under attack by bugs. The team on the fast attack ship Alesia is assigned to help the Starship John A. Warden stationed in Fort Casey evacuate along with the survivors and bring military intelligence safely back to Earth. Carl Jenkins, now ministry of Paranormal Warfare, takes the starship on a clandestine mission before its rendezvous with the Alesia and goes missing in the nebula. Now, the battle-hardened troopers are charged with a rescue mission that may lead to a much more sinister consequence than they ever could have imagined....