Thomas SiebenSchauspieler:
Friedrich Mücke, Liv Lisa Fries, Dominic Raacke, Arnd Schimkat, Carolin Fink, Lucy WirthDer an seinem Leben und anderen Menschen reichlich desinteressierte Roman jobbt für einen Staatsanwalt, dem er polizeiliche Unterlagen als Audiodatei einliest. Sein aktueller Wochenendauftrag betrifft einen Schulamoklauf im Allgäu, bei dem ein Schüler 17 Menschen erschossen hat. Noch fehlende Akten muss der Münchner direkt aus der Ortschaft in den bayerischen Bergen abholen, wo er einige Tage mit Warten verbringt und die Schülerin Laura kennenlernt, die das Massaker überlebte. Beide freunden sich an, wodurch Roman erschreckende Details über die Tat erfährt.
A young man called Roman is working for an attorney. Roman has to travel to a small village in Bavaria, in order to get some files from a local police station. These files keep records about a high school massacre committed by a student a year ago. Due to bureaucratic reasons, Roman has to stay in the village for a few days. By accident he meets a young girl called Laura, who has survived the massacre. By becoming more acquainted to Laura, Roman also becomes more interested in the tragic event. Later on he realizes that Laura is hiding a secret. She has been more involved in the incident.
A young man called Roman is working for an attorney. Roman has to travel to a small village in Bavaria, in order to get some files from a local police station. These files keep records about a high school massacre committed by a student a year ago. Due to bureaucratic reasons, Roman has to stay in the village for a few days. By accident he meets a young girl called Laura, who has survived the massacre. By becoming more acquainted to Laura, Roman also becomes more interested in the tragic event. Later on he realizes that Laura is hiding a secret. She has been more involved in the incident.