Maggie PerenSchauspieler:
Florian Lukas, Gustav-Peter Wöhler, Sebastian Bezzel, Kostja Ullmann, Herbert Knaup, Lisa Potthoff, Nina Kronjäger, Adriana Altaras, Simon Verhoeven, Diana Staehly, Annette Paulmann, Christian Heiner Wolf, Katharina Heyer, Annette Kreft, Ulrike Kriener, Florian KarlheimFünf Münchner Freunde in Not: Frauenzeitschriftenredakteur Frank (Florian Lukas) hütet arbeitslos das Haus, Polizist Gy (Sebastian Bezzel) kämpft mit seiner zahlungsunwilligen Krankenkasse, Feinkostladenbesitzer Olli (Gustav-Peter Wöhler) ist sein bester Kunde und deshalb pleite. Auch bei Lasse (Kostja Ullmann) und Giselher (Herbert Knaup) sieht es nicht besser aus - bis ihnen ein genialer Einfall kommt: Sie gründen den "Deutsche Feinkost zum Anfassen" getauften Escort-Service für Frauen und erfüllen der Kundschaft jeden Wunsch.
Das Regiedebüt der jungen Drehbuchautorin Maggie Peren ("Mädchen Mädchen!", "Das Phantom") unterhält mit Wortwitz, Situationskomik und einer schlüpfrigen Grundidee. Witzigen Ansichten zur Existenzgründung folgen fidele zu Geschlechterverhältnis und Identitätssuche.
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.
The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.