Stephen Kings Bag of Bones
Mick GarrisSchauspieler:
Pierce Brosnan, Melissa George, Аnnabeth Gish, Anika Noni Rose, Matt Frewer, Jason Priestley, Caitlin Carmichael, Peter MacNeill, William Schallert, Deborah Allen, Shane Anderson, Geordie Brown, Fiona Forsythe, Joel Freckelton, Deborah Grover, Gary LevertNach dem plötzlichen Tod seiner Frau Jo leidet der Bestseller-Autor Mike Noonan an einer Schreibblockade und unter furchtbaren Alpträumen. Er zieht sich schließlich in sein Sommerhaus “Sara lacht” an einem See in Maine zurück. Doch statt der erhofften Erholung warten auf Mike hier weitere Alpträume und Geister aus der Vergangenheit. Mike beginnt den düsteren Geheimnissen, die das Haus offenbar birgt, auf den Grund zu gehen, und bringt sich dabei in größte Gefahr.
Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife's sudden death, returns to the couple's lakeside retreat in Maine, where he becomes involved in a custody battle between a young widow and her child's enormously wealthy grandfather. Mike inexplicably receives mysterious ghostly visitations, escalating nightmares and the realization that his late wife still has something to tell him.
Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife's sudden death, returns to the couple's lakeside retreat in Maine, where he becomes involved in a custody battle between a young widow and her child's enormously wealthy grandfather. Mike inexplicably receives mysterious ghostly visitations, escalating nightmares and the realization that his late wife still has something to tell him.