Fred HainesSchauspieler:
Max von Sydow, Dominique Sanda, Pierre Clémenti, Carla Romanelli, Helmut Förnbacher, Charles Regnier, Eduard Linkers, Sunnyi Melles, Roy Bosier, Alfred Baillou, Niels-Peter Rudolph, Silvia Reize, Helen HesseDer Intellektuelle Harry Haller sieht sich selbst als Mischung aus bürgerlich-angepasstem Mensch und einsamem, kritischem Wolf. Um seinem Leiden ein Ende zu bereiten, beschließt er, sich an seinem nahenden 50. Geburtstag das Leben zu nehmen. Vorher trifft er aber noch auf die Gelegenheitsprostituierte Hermine, die seinem Leben neue Impulse gibt und ihn mit ihrer Kollegin Maria zusammenführt. Schließlich landet Haller im “Magischen Theater”, in dem sich durch Drogengenuss Realität und Fiktion vermischen.
Verfilmung des Romans von Hermann Hesse mit einem großartigen Max von Sydow in der Hauptrolle.
In the bourgeois circles of Europe after the Great War, can anything save the modern man? Harry Haller, a solitary intellectual, has all his life feared his dual nature of being human and being a beast. He's decided to die on his 50th birthday, which is soon. He's rescued from his solipsism by the mysterious Hermine, who takes him dancing, introduces him to jazz and to the beautiful and whimsical Maria, and guides him into the hallucinations of the Magic Theater, which seem to take him into Hell. Can humour, sin, and derision lead to salvation?
In the bourgeois circles of Europe after the Great War, can anything save the modern man? Harry Haller, a solitary intellectual, has all his life feared his dual nature of being human and being a beast. He's decided to die on his 50th birthday, which is soon. He's rescued from his solipsism by the mysterious Hermine, who takes him dancing, introduces him to jazz and to the beautiful and whimsical Maria, and guides him into the hallucinations of the Magic Theater, which seem to take him into Hell. Can humour, sin, and derision lead to salvation?