Stille Nacht
Christian VuissaSchauspieler:
Janina Elkin, Alexander E. Fennon, Matthias Kupfer, Manuel Mairhofer, Vlasto Peyitch, Robert Spitz, Walter Sachers, Carsten Clemens, Markus von Lingen, Aap Lindenberg, Florence Matousek, Anton Grünbeck, Henry VuissaEs ist das bekannteste und beliebteste Weihnachtslied überhaupt und nahezu auf der ganzen Welt vertreten: "Stille Nacht". Doch wo liegen die Ursprünge dieses besinnlichen Ohrwurmes? Sie gehen auf den katholischen Priester Joseph Mohr zurück, der 1818 nach Oberndorf bei Salzburg berufen wurde. Mit dem Lied wollte er den Menschen die eigentliche Bedeutung der Heiligen Nacht vermitteln und traf damit bei seinem Vorgesetzten, Pfarrer Nöstler, auf taube Ohren. Mohr ließ sich nicht davon abbringen und bescherte der Menschheit ihr beliebtestes Weihnachtslied.
In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collision course with his new superior, Father Nostler. When Mohr organizes a church choir that includes outcasts from the local tavern and performs in German instead of Latin, Nostler threatens him with disciplinary action. Their relationship further deteriorates when Maria a regular tavern patron, surprisingly joins the performance of the all-male church choir. As Mohr's initial successes start to crumble and his efforts backfire on him, he loses all hope and faces a trial of faith. The night before Christmas, Mohr has to decide if he will accept defeat and leave Oberndorf or embrace the true significance of the Holy Night.
In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collision course with his new superior, Father Nostler. When Mohr organizes a church choir that includes outcasts from the local tavern and performs in German instead of Latin, Nostler threatens him with disciplinary action. Their relationship further deteriorates when Maria a regular tavern patron, surprisingly joins the performance of the all-male church choir. As Mohr's initial successes start to crumble and his efforts backfire on him, he loses all hope and faces a trial of faith. The night before Christmas, Mohr has to decide if he will accept defeat and leave Oberndorf or embrace the true significance of the Holy Night.