Stimme am Telefon
Sydney PollackSchauspieler:
Sidney Poitier, Anne Bancroft, Telly Savalas, Steven Hill, Ed Asner, Dabney Coleman, H.M. Wynant, Charlotte Stewart, Jason Wingreen, Erin Almond, Indus Arthur, Marjorie Nelson, David Harris, Viola Harris, Fay Baker, Regina CarrolMedizinstudent Alan Newell ist Volontär in einer Unfallklinik und übernimmt die Nachtschicht der Telefon-Seelsorge. Eines Nachts erhält er einen Anruf einer verzweifelten Frau, die ihm erklärt, sie sei bereit, sich das Leben zu nehmen. Sie hätte bereits Schlaftabletten eingenommen, die in wenigen Stunden wirken werden. Sie erzählt Alan, warum sie sich zum Sterben entschlossen hat. Der Student beschließt, das Leben der Frau zu retten - und tritt einen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit an.
Spannender Film über einen Medizinstudenten, der als Telefonseelsorger einer potentiellen Selbstmörderin das Leben retten will.
Alan is a Seattle college student volunteering at a crisis center. One night when at the clinic alone, a woman calls up the number and tells Alan that she needs to talk to someone. She informs Alan she took a load of pills, and he secretly tries to get help. During this time, he learns more about the woman, her family life, and why she wants to die. Can Alan get the cavalry to save her in time before it's too late?
Alan is a Seattle college student volunteering at a crisis center. One night when at the clinic alone, a woman calls up the number and tells Alan that she needs to talk to someone. She informs Alan she took a load of pills, and he secretly tries to get help. During this time, he learns more about the woman, her family life, and why she wants to die. Can Alan get the cavalry to save her in time before it's too late?