Stockmann - Kleines Stöckchen auf großer Reise
Jeroen Jaspaert, Daniel SnaddonSchauspieler:
Martin Freeman, Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Rob Brydon, Jennifer Saunders, Russell Tovey, Anouska White, Eve Bentley, Ben Jenkinson, Elliot Kelly, Ella Sutton, Isabel Ainsworth, Eden MuckleDie Welt ist voller Gefahren, vor allem wenn man ein Stockmann ist und ständig mit einem ganz gewöhnlichen Stock verwechselt wird. So wird Stockmann eines Tages von einem Hund mitgenommen und durch eine Reihe weiterer unglücklicher Umstände entfernt er sich immer weiter von seinem Zuhause. Die Zeit vergeht und die Jahreszeiten ziehen ins Land, bis er einem Freund begegnet, der ihm endlich helfen könnte, zurück zu seiner Familie zu kommen.
Nach der Buchvorlage von Julia Donaldson und Axel Scheffler.
Stick Man, an animated twig, lives with his Stick Lady Love and their children in the family tree. Out one day for a jog he meets a little boy who throws him for his dog to fetch, some children who play Pooh-sticks with him and a swan who uses him to build a nest before being washed out to sea and onto a beach far from home. After several other humiliating encounters throughout the year he has an unexpected saviour in the form of Santa Claus who helps him to get home for Christmas with his family.
Stick Man, an animated twig, lives with his Stick Lady Love and their children in the family tree. Out one day for a jog he meets a little boy who throws him for his dog to fetch, some children who play Pooh-sticks with him and a swan who uses him to build a nest before being washed out to sea and onto a beach far from home. After several other humiliating encounters throughout the year he has an unexpected saviour in the form of Santa Claus who helps him to get home for Christmas with his family.